Business Tip: Planning Boards To Keep Your Business Organized

January 5, 2022

In this video

  • How and why to create a planning board
  • Client estimate and tool maintenance tracking

Struggling with your daily planning and multitasking? Worry no more and follow my tips.

Organization is key when it comes to running a successful business. However, lots of people feel they don’t have the right skills required to stay organized at work. Fortunately, there are steps you can follow to take good care of your daily business planning.

I use a dry erase whiteboard on which I create different boxes of actions I need to keep track of. The added benefit is that it’s easily viewed by all team members so that if some verbal or email communication is overlooked or forgotten in the daily hustle, the board ensures everyone knows what’s happening.

I recommend the following sections so nothing gets out of sight.

- Clients
- Finances
- Appointments
- Estimates
- Notes
- Miscellaneous

Watch the full video to have a better idea of what kind of information I write in each section. And don’t forget that the more you stay organized the easier it is to stay successful.