How to Legitimize a Part-Time Mowing Business

February 13, 2020

Hi guys, JC here from Lawn Squad Mowing, and in today's video, I want to talk about how to legitimize a part-time mowing business.

This is particularly true for you guys just starting out, but hopefully these tips help, and show you how to legitimize a part-time mowing business to get more customers.

There are a few things you can do overall, but I want to highlight some key things you can do early on to start being more legitimate (and, by default, looking more professional to potential clients).

  • Go to the IRS website, and apply for an Employee Identification Number (EIN), so you can properly file your taxes

  • Go to your local town or city hall, and register your new business information so you can be a certified business

  • Apply for a business bank account, to keep it separate from your personal bank account and avoid potential pitfalls with invoicing, savings, revenue, etc.

  • Look at getting limited liability insurance, which helps you stay protected when it comes to potential damage you might cause at a customer's job site

I hope this helps, guys, and let me know what you do to legitimize your part-time mowing business.

Jensen Martinez
Lawn Squad Mowing
2023 UAG Member