Soft Heat Melter and Applicator Review: Pros & Cons of an Asphalt Crack Sealant Machine

June 28, 2022

In this video

  • Testing Soft Heat’s portable crack sealant melter

  • Pros and cons after using this asphalt crack sealant machine

Buying machines and equipment for a company like mine working in the asphalt industry can sometimes be challenging because there aren’t as many brands or products available to choose from compared to the lawn care industry.

For this reason, every time I learn about a new product I like, I try to spread the word to the asphalt community so we can all help each other in this smaller niche. This is precisely the case today because I’m with a fellow seal coating pro and former UAG member, Marvin Joles, owner of Wis-Coat: Asphalt Maintenance.

Marvin has acquired the Soft Heat SH-30 Gal melter and kindly put it to work for me to see (and show the ECHO Means Business community) how this portable crack sealant melter works.


We’ll be paying attention to:

- The machine’s structure
- The time it takes it to fully melt the material
- How does it work under cold temperatures

Watch the full video to see Marvin, and I put the Soft Heat in action on a cold day. You’ll be surprised by the results!

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