Trailer Inspection for Lawn Care Pros: 6 Vital Parts to Check for Trailer Safety

December 13, 2022

In this video

  • The importance of doing regular inspections of your trailer

  • 6 crucial parts you can't miss on your trailer check-ups

  • Bonus! 1 more thing to have in mind when doing these inspections

If you ever had to deal with repairing or replacing lawn equipment, you know for sure how regular check-ups and maintenance will save you in the cost department. When we can't use equipment because it's broken or we're waiting for a replacement part, it translates to hours we cannot work. Time lost means money lost.

Your trailer is no different. It is also a part of your lawn care equipment that needs to be on point every day you go out to work. This is why I wanted to share with the ECHO Means Business community what you should be looking at when you're doing your trailer's weekly inspections.

  1. Check that your truck is heavy enough to handle the trailer pull
  2. Inspect the straps, racks, and handles
  3. Check your trailer's tires
  4. Do visual inspections of the trailer springs and breaks
  5. Check the hitch that hooks the trailer and the safety chains
  6. Inspect your trailer's lights and signals

Watch the full video where I walk you through my own landscaping trailer while getting deep into each point. I also share one more thing you should consider for trailer safety, which will spare you a lot of headaches.

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