Review of the ECHO PB-9010T Backpack Blower

January 14, 2022

In this video

  • Overview of how this tool works and the benefits it provides
  • How does it compare with the ECHO PB770T blower
  • Review of its performance and things to consider before buying

My post today is a review of the ECHO PB9010T and how it compares to the 770T.

The first thing that stood out when I started testing this backpack blower was the power. It’s exactly as advertised - more, in fact. If you’re like me up in the Pacific NorthWest, you know how difficult it is to clean up large yards of wet leaves in the fall. And that’s why I recommend the PB9010T to my fellow pros.

Another aspect I find useful is its larger fuel capacity. However, this makes the unite heavier than the 770T I was using, but I can deal with that in order to get the power I need.

Check the full video to see my full review of this product to see if this blower is right for you and your business.

NOTE: As a member of the ECHO User Advisory Group, I received this product to test and provide honest feedback. I was not paid or incentivized in any way to promote this product.

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