Be Kind To Your Mind: Expand Your Knowledge!

August 4, 2021


This article will build on our previous video which covers the importance of mental health and taking time to pamper yourself. Today, we’ll be talking about how expanding your knowledge on something that personally fulfills you can contribute to a positive mindset, and help you become the best version of yourself.

While knowledge in the lawn care and landscaping business--such as knowing the different types of grasses there are, or what flowers or shrubs would be best for your geographical area--is very important, after a while, learning all of that information can become very boring. Burnout can also set in quickly. We know this personally, going into our 6th year in the business!

Take it from us: it is important to take time for yourself and to expand your knowledge on something you personally enjoy, such as a hobby or taking school courses.

Check out your local public library or local schools. You never know which one may be offering free or inexpensive classes that can help you flex a muscle we often have cooked by the hot summer sun: your brain!

Remember: the more you learn, the younger you are mentally.

At the time of writing this, Ma is currently a senior at a local community college with strictly online classes, which she takes in her spare time between running our business, and being a full-time mom and housewife. While many may not be able to make the full commitment to go back to a traditional full-time school, there are many different options out there.

For example – have you ever heard of Coursera?

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Websites like Coursera offer free online classes in a wide array of subjects from fully accredited universities. At the end of each course, you can choose to pay to receive a certificate if you want to prove that you’ve completed the course. When we first started out in landscaping, Pa took several courses on horticulture. If this is something you would like to check out please go to this link:

Also, YouTube can be searched for more than just cat videos and Fail Army clips. We have used Youtube to walk us through, step by step, how to repair several vehicles and pieces of equipment, saving us thousands of dollars in repair costs and leaving us beaming with pride that we fixed something ourselves.

ECHO Means Business is about to begin rolling out courses as well for people who are just getting into lawn care or who want to expand their knowledge of business. You should stick around and check them out as well as the forums.

The takeaway? Never stop learning, and NEVER think you are too old or too busy to learn a new trade. You never know - maybe something you learn on the side lines may just push your business even further. Always look for new ways to learn. The opportunities are everywhere.

And as we always say here at Dirty Deeds Works – if it is to be; it is up to me!