Light the Night with Outdoor Lighting

March 24, 2021

Event Partner: FX Luminaire (Hunter Industries)

Speaker Name: Ryan Williams
  • Born with two blue eyes, Ryan has needed light to see from an early age and has grown quite dependent on it. From that visual perspective, he has led product development for FX Luminaire for almost 10 years in various engineering, product management, and marketing roles. Ryan is Lighting Certified (LC) through the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) and holds a BS/MS/MBA from Brigham Young University.
Guest Speakers: Scott Horoszewski

Learn helpful tools, tips and strategies to build your lighting business and create better designs for your customers including:

During this webinar we will teach you how to effectively re-engage your workforce through:

  1. Setting the scene with lighting
  2. Lighting techniques and effects
  3. Deciding what to light
  4. Incorporating lighting into your business
  5. Building a lighting portfolio