Busted Tire: Sh*t Happens – Part 3

December 24, 2021

In this video

  • The effect a busted tire can have on the start of your day

  • Why you should always know where your nearest tire shop is located

  • The importance of being prepared

Welcome to another episode of “Sh*t Happens".


  1. As a newer business owner, I am constantly making mistakes and encountering challenges on a day-to-day basis. But I’ve also realized that when mistakes are made, I can learn from those experiences and do better in the future. That’s why I’ve prepped this series on “sh*t happens” for the ECHO Means Business community to let you know that you’re not alone - everyone makes mistakes!

In this video, I share the impact a busted tire can have on the rest of your day and how important it is to always be prepared when situations like these happen.

When you see yourself in this position you can always visit your trusted tire shop, but here are some tips in case you want to do it by yourself:

  1. Be sure to have these items in hand: jack, lug wrench, your spare tire, car owner’s manual
  2. Find a safe and spacious location, turn on your hazard lights, and don’t forget to apply the parking brake
  3. Apply the wheel wedges, remove the wheel cover and loosen the lug nuts Raise the vehicle with the jack and now unscrew the lug nuts and remove the flat tire
  4. Mount the spare tire, place the lug nuts, lower the vehicle and tight the lug nuts as much as you can
  5. Replace the wheel cover, stow your equipment and you’ll be set to go

Are you missing some of these tools? As a Pro Member of ECHO Means Business, you can get a 15% discount on all purchases at eReplacementParts. Click here to redeem this exclusive offer.

Watch the video below and let me know your thoughts or advice in the comments below.

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Teno Cardoso

Teno Cardoso
AJ’s Lawn Care