Does Higher Voltage Mean More Power for Your Lawn Care Equipment?

November 17, 2022

In this video

  • What I learned about battery-powered lawn equipment on my visit to ECHO

  • Specs on how Battery-powered lawn equipment are being made

  • Future challenges for battery-powered lawn equipment

Battery-powered lawn equipment is making an impact in the green industry, and more landscaping professionals are making a switch from gas to battery-powered tools. As a result, landscaping companies are manufacturing these types of equipment on a larger scale.

On the UAG visit to ECHO's HQ earlier this year, we had a meeting with ECHO’s Product Manager Jason Wilke who talked about the fundamentals of battery-powered equipment. This presentation opened my eyes to a common misconception: that higher voltage produces more power. And that's simply not true.

Watch the full video where I try to cover as much as I can about how these batteries work to help you decide on the right platform for your business.

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Vince Manners

Vince Manners
The Lawngineer